Our Background
Blöcker is a company with a long tradition, a high degree of expertise and a strong service profile. As a result, we see ourselves as specialists in sun protection and privacy screening, with excellent development potential for the future.
What Makes Us Special
As a system supplier, we design and develop products and collections for high-quality blinds to control sunlight and for privacy screening. Our objective is to market and maintain products and brands that reach a leading position on international markets through the benefits of their appearance and functionality.
Concerning Our Customers
As service providers, we maintain an honest, fair and long-term relationship with our customers. Our products, our range of services and customer service make them marketable.
How Our Products Evolve
On the basis of our technical expertise and taking customer wishes into account, the design is an inherent part of the development of our products and ranges right from the start. Our style is not characterised by one single product, but rather by the immediately recognisable nature of all our products. It is a modern and clear-cut style that always follows the main market trends.
How We Operate in the Market
We are innovators and a driving force, continually pointing the way in order to maintain our position in the market. We meet changing demands and market requirements proactively and hence promote the commitment of our staff to opening up new paths with novel ideas.
How We Work Together
Our dealings with each other are open and responsible, with one clear aim: the commercial success of our company and therefore security for each and every staff member. The only way to future-proof our company is through conscientious actions, clear division of responsibilities and a cross-departmental system of thoughts and actions.
What We Achieve for Our Products
We always endeavour to develop new services and proposals for our customers and our specialist retailers. This is appreciated and it strengthens the appeal of our branded products.
Our Responsibility
Our responsibility for each other and towards each other is demonstrated by commitment and reliability. Through a continuous flow of information we guarantee transparency and the use of a consistent language within the company.
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